hello everyone ! how are you ? felling gay ? that's too bad, but gay is quite good rather than be an homo. okay, i think homo and gay are both same. because they're like you. *kidding, you guys not like gay or homo, you guys more like Ketty Perry. wow, she's pretty hot !
okay, i think enough about gay, homo or Ketty Perry session. That stuff very annoying my mind.
oh, i almost forgot ! i want to tell you a story about gay ! wanna hear? really? OK!
yesterday, when I'm was sitting in front of my boss, exactly that's not my boss, he's more like a iguana's.
no no ! I just kidding about that Iguana, i mean he's more like my teacher. cause he's teach me everything, like how to make baby, how to growing mustache in forehead, how to be a gay, ups, i mean guy, not a gay, and many more, like transforming me, from bitch to a shit... etc .
yeah, that many things that he teach me about. ooh.. that's very very very not beautiful.
alright, we go again.
when i sitting, i turn on the TV, i watch it not eat it. I saw there's a news about Shinta & Jojo with they great song (the truth is, that's not originally they song. they just "Lip Sing") called "Keong Racun". Yeah, "Poisonous Snail". ooh, i can't realize that if the "poisonous snail" is really. If the snail is really, i wonder that Gary (Spongebob Snail) was very poisonous. And it will poisoned spongebob. nooooo, beware bob(spongebob) !
And and, i wonder that is like here :